March 22, 2017


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The management of Morex Sphinx Ventures Ltd (MSVL). is committed to providing a safe,healthy drug free work environment at all of our operating locations. We are dedicated to identifying, correcting and preventing safety, health and environmental hazards that could adversely affect our employees, customers or the general public. MSVL management is committed to ensuring that we comply with all applicable regulatory safety, health and environmental protection requirements and that adequate resources are provided to ensure the safety and health of our employees as well as the preservation of the environment.  It is the policy of Morex Sphinx Ventures Ltd. to provide a safe and healthy work environment for employees at every level through the awareness and prevention of occupational injuries and illness.  The objective of our company Health, Safety and Environment Management Programs is to reduce work-related incidents, injuries and illnesses and to promote safety and health in every task undertaken by employees on behalf of the company. To this end, our Health, Safety and Environment Management Program will include:

  1. Implementation of a program for conducting routine safety and health inspections to identify and eliminate unsafe working conditions or practices and control health hazards.
  2. A comprehensive safety and health training program for all new and existing personnel.
  3. Provisions for the use of personal protective equipment by all employees.
  4. Provisions for mechanical and physical safeguards to the maximum extent possible.
  5. Company-wide safety and health policies requiring every employee of the company to comply with these policies as a condition of employment.
  6. Provisions for a thorough and prompt investigation of every accident to determine its cause correct the problem and reduce the likelihood of it reoccurring.
  7. A safety incentive program for promoting safety and health, encouraging the active participation of all employees, and acknowledging, through rewards, individuals whose safety record exemplifies the standards set forth in this program.

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